Sunset Lovers (opacarophile)

Opacarophile- A person who loves sunset.
If you love sunset you are an opacarophile.

O as in so,
Pa as in pack,
Car as in car,
O as usual o,
Ph as in alphabet,
I as in sit,
Le as in pile.

 'Opacare' which is Latin from dusk aur sunset and 'phile' which is Greek for love.
          Sunset photography

Watch the sunset go down against the crimson sky in the turquoise water of ocean.
Dive deep or stay ashore!
Watch the Sun go down against the crimson sky in the turquoise water of the sea.
Arrange of sunset outing on a deserted Island and relax with music of waving lapping against the shores as you savor the quiet solitude of the sea.

Sunset is my favourite colour...❤️              
If you love the nature ,nature will love you.
Thank you for spending precious time.


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